Finishing Projects
Thursday November 4, 2021
Over the last few months, I’ve finished some big personal projects. This weekend I’ll finish up my RYT-300 hour yoga teacher training program through Asheville Yoga Center. It’s been a transformative and fun journey and while I’m excited that it’s almost complete, I also feel like there is already a small void. Similar to the feeling that comes at the end of the holidays, or the end of the school year. There’s joy, bittersweetness, and a little bit of emptiness at the end. It occurred to me on my walk today on a cold and wet November afternoon that this feeling I’m having is a normal part of our ongoing cycle. Seasons change. Autumn especially is a time to see the transformative power of nature as the world settles in for a quiet winter. I know I need to practice not always having a goal or an achievement to works towards. Sometimes it is hard to just be! May we all find peace in our quiet days and enjoy our days of rest.