Alix Refshauge RYT500
I’ve been practicing yoga for 20 years and am a RYT-500 Registered Yoga Instructor with training completed through the Asheville Yoga Center. I love yoga, meditation, and mindfulness and have enjoyed the benefits of a practice throughout various stages of my life. Whether looking for a challenging practice, recovering from injury, preparing for childbirth, or needing to slow down and experience the moment - yoga offers it all!
class schedule and upcoming events here
Interested in private lessons or a small group (corporate or other) session? Contact me here.
Strong and Slow Flow
Thursday September 16, 2021
I’m excited to be offering a new class at Yogalicious Yoga Studio in Spartanburg, SC on Thursday’s. Currently this class meets from 8:30-9:45am in person and with Zoom options as well (that may change in October to 9am, we’ll see what works best for folks.)