Alix Refshauge RYT500
I’ve been practicing yoga for 20 years and am a RYT-500 Registered Yoga Instructor with training completed through the Asheville Yoga Center. I love yoga, meditation, and mindfulness and have enjoyed the benefits of a practice throughout various stages of my life. Whether looking for a challenging practice, recovering from injury, preparing for childbirth, or needing to slow down and experience the moment - yoga offers it all!
class schedule and upcoming events here
Interested in private lessons or a small group (corporate or other) session? Contact me here.
Yoga for Artists - May 22, 2022
I so enjoyed teaching the Yoga for Runners class recently and I can’t wait to work with artists (and non-artists) on May 22, 2022 out at Hatcher Garden. The “workshop” will involve an eye meditation where we will sit/center and trace the lines of tree in the distance with our eyes. The idea being that as artists (and others), we constantly focus on things up close and the eye muscles that are trained to see things at a distance, become weak.
Strong and Slow Flow
Thursday September 16, 2021
I’m excited to be offering a new class at Yogalicious Yoga Studio in Spartanburg, SC on Thursday’s. Currently this class meets from 8:30-9:45am in person and with Zoom options as well (that may change in October to 9am, we’ll see what works best for folks.)