New Year, Perspective
Monday January 3, 2022
It’s a new year and while I can’t seem to remember to write 2022 (go figure, I’m writing 2023) it is a good time to be reminded of the many ways that yoga can help with goals/intentions/projects. Yoga offers so many tools and today I’m teaching a class where we’ll look at one of those: Drsti. Drsti is often defined as focal point and can be used in balancing poses to keep one from falling over (focus your eyes on something ahead of you that isn’t moving and you are less likely to fall). In the process, you may find yourself in a trance-like state but where your peripheral vision is also really pretty good. So many things that we practice in yoga class can play out well in our real life. Like the principles behind drsti when we consider how that applies to goals/intentions/projects. If we are focused on our goal while taking into consideration everything surrounding it, ie: seeing the big picture instead of having tunnel vision, that would be practicing drsti.