Yoga for Artists - May 22, 2022
I so enjoyed teaching the Yoga for Runners class recently and I can’t wait to work with artists (and non-artists) on May 22, 2022 out at Hatcher Garden. The “workshop” will involve an eye meditation where we will sit/center and trace the lines of tree in the distance with our eyes. The idea being that as artists (and others), we constantly focus on things up close and the eye muscles that are trained to see things at a distance, become weak.
Yoga For Runners
This post is a little delayed seeing that I taught the Yoga for Runners class a few weekends ago but that’s how things go with the busyness of life. I enjoyed the class so much. We had about 12 people in the studio, many who were friends and a few new faces. Even though it was the first time getting all of these folks in the same room together, we all had a shared energy it seemed and I realized how much running and yoga have in common.
New Year, Perspective
Monday January 3, 2022
It’s a new year and while I can’t seem to remember to write 2022 (go figure, I’m writing 2023) it is a good time to be reminded of the many ways that yoga can help with goals/intentions/projects. Yoga offers so many tools and today I’m teaching a class where we’ll look at one of those: Drsti.