Yoga For Runners

This post is a little delayed seeing that I taught the Yoga for Runners class a few weekends ago but that’s how things go with the busyness of life. I enjoyed the class so much. We had about 12 people in the studio, many who were friends and a few new faces. Even though it was the first time getting all of these folks in the same room together, we all had a shared energy it seemed and I realized how much running and yoga have in common. They are activities that are inward turning and can be personally transformative (mentally, emotionally, physically). One can practice on their own, with others. The community building aspect of yoga and running is powerful, although since they are such individual activities, experienced differently than say, being on a basketball team. The poses we focused on were all about the muscles that runner’s use a lot (and which are likely tight). Let’s see…feet, ankles, calves, quads, hamstrings, gluten, poses, diaphragm….pretty much every muscle in the body that propels one forward. We also focused on stretching and strengthening the muscles that runner’s (and most people in general) don’t exercise….back bending muscles, twists, side bends… It was a areal joy and energetic boost to teach this class, I strayed from my “yoga music” playlist theme (which, I do love some yoga music) and turned my focus to running related music….also fun. Thanks to those who joined, I hope to do it again soon.


Yoga for Artists - May 22, 2022


New Year, Perspective